Saturday, May 28, 2011


"Why put off for tomorrow, what can be done today?"

This is a saying that I know we're all familiar with. Have you ever started something and its been going well and then you just so happen to miss a day or two? And then you feel like your heart and mind are made up to go ahead and finish whatever you're doing but for some reason you just don't do it? Well this is called inconsistency:failure to keep to the same principles or course of action. This is one of my flaws that Daddy is teaching me to get over right now. I'm not inconsistent with everything, but for example I started this blog two days ago and I promised everyone and myself that I would post a blog the next day. It's nothing wrong with skipping something if something else came up or you have a legit reason and I guess my problem is inconsistency mixed with a little laziness.

But there's not a problem that Daddy can't fix! So if you have this problem pray that Daddy will help you to be more consistent and tell others to pray for you also. Also, stay in the word daily. Whether it be things like a blog or staying in the word it's very imporatant for us to be consistent with everything in life. Hebrew 13:8 says Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. The bible says that Daddy is consistent and since we're supposed to be striving to be like Him this is a great verse to look at when you're starting to fall into that "hole of inconsistency". Ways to practice consistency: Pray, stay in the word daily, and try to be intentional with everything you do!
(Here's a link to a story of one of our brother's that struggle with inconsistency)

Another day=Another Lesson From Daddy

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

About my blog

Namaste Mera Nam Monique Hai!! Hello my name is Monique!! I'm so excited that you've chosen to read my blog. Basically this blog is going to be about the daily lessons that Daddy teaches me(hence the title of my blog...Another day=Another Lesson From Daddy). I'm going to start posting tomorrow so please feel free to read and comment and also share what Daddy is teaching you daily. :)

P.s Check out my other blog

Did I leave me in India???

Did I leave me in India?
Did I forget what Daddy taught me, how he growed and stretched me
loved me unconditionally
and still is...

Have I left, Did I leave myself in India?
No..Im here
I just chose to run from my lessons learned
who would have thought that I was losing the passion
the yearning
for my Daddy

I didn't lose the passion
The flame just blew out
and I'm trying to light it again
but somehow I'm struggling

Fighting to move away
face another day
these flaws
my inconsitency
How did I let this become

I remember everything Daddy taught me
I believe and I know He forgives me
I need to find that patience within me
To know MY Daddy is always with me

So, Did I leave myself in India?
Maybe a piece of my heart is there?
But I didn't leave myself in India
Im just slowly adjusting to the lessons I've learned

Today is the day that I stand up for my faith
Remembering the ones that stayed firm in their faith
when times were rough
Those people inspired me
Daddy transpired something inside of me

So, today I'm gonna let it show
and I'm gonna stop asking the question
"Did I leave myself in India?"

No I didnt
Daddy just has perfect timing for everything
even if we are disobedient
He knows when we will come around
Repent=Move on in love

*Another Day=Another Lesson from Daddy :)